
Mission Beach

Pre-Summer Sunday in Dolores Park from Spots Unknown on Vimeo.

I randomly came across this video tonight, and I thought they did a really lovely job on it. One of my favorite things about living here is that there are more parks than one can shake a stick at. I do love Dolores because, like my fav dive bar, I can show up anytime and most likely my friends will be there. And if I am not in the mood to be social there's a slew of other parks in SF, about 45.

Spots Unknown "Discovering the forgotten places, events, and histories of San Francisco."

I like what they're doing.



The Düsseldorf School of Photography is a new book that highlights over 160 images in an astounding examination of the scope of the Düsseldorf School from the early 1970s to today. What most might stamp as mundane industrial buildings are captured with an objective eye. Beautiful.

we are all imm[igrants]

Toronto based imm Living creates modern cultural artifacts by drawing from traditional and popular cultures. The totem cup collection tosses a nod and a wink to the early Native American tradition of totem pole carving. And the "amen" salt & pepper shakers are hysterical, ahem, ya know, unless you're into blessing your dinner. I guess people do that for real. Either way, I dig em.